I just picked up a new roll of film and these photos above are not shot on one day but somehow they are all really warm, green, red and unfortunately the camera was leaking as well on some. I like them anyway and would like to show them to you.
Happy Monday everyone.
Das Obsttellerbild ist besonders schön!
so waRm und Ruhig. augenRuhe. soso gut.
I really like the light-leaks. Not on every photo, but here and there I think it looks interesting :) great photos!
LOVE these photos. I am ALWAYS inspired by happy accidents. I love seeing the perfection in imperfection. Thank you for posting!
They're beautiful and work so well together!
Beautiful warm photos!
ie farben sind echt so perfekt zusammen. xx
So good you decided to share, sometimes light leaks are magical and they look very well in this photos :) love the tones here!
farbenrausch. superschöööön !
die sind wunderschön!!
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