It was one of these days today where I woke up and saw the sun rays getting through the dark clouds of the night. After some rainy weeks, this week has been pretty good with blue skys and lots of sun so I went for an early run. Running through streets, where I saw cafes opening up and getting ready for the day, I ran further towards the Botanic Gardens which is one of my favourite runs, along the water, to the Opera House and back, saying hi to my own shade was such a good way to start the day.
We both came home earlier, sat on the couch talking about the day, reading and after a while moved into the kitchen to prepare the pasta w/ yogurt, peas and chilly from the Jerusalem cookbook. I saw that Molly wrote about it recently as well (recipe). It was delicious and a perfect Friday evening meal. While doing the dishes we were singing loudly to this song the tea kettle is whislting....Have a great weekend, Maria
Love your description of your day, sounds beautiful!
Ein wunderschönes Bild! Ich mag diese Momentaufnahme eines Freitag Abends. Unser liegt noch vor uns, diese Zeitverschiebung ist immer wieder faszinierend :)
Sounds like a perfect morning!
Winter is so hard to imagine for me now but it sounds like a really nice morning :) Oh and your Print Shop looks fab!!! xx
So lovely, simple and content :)
I'm now following your blog properly - each post is sent to my email. With love, me. X
i love all the blue in this photo,along with the white rose.
Closing my eyes, i can actually listen to Ryan singing*
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