San Francisco is a beautiful city and I could move there in a heartbeat.
I was wandering around on my own on the first day. Strolling through the streets with its beautiful Victorian houses, stopping so many times to admire the coulurs of those, whole street blocks or just an unique facade of a house. I caught up with a friend to have lunch and delicious ice cream at Smitten around Hayes Valley.
I saw some really great places in SF also thanks to Ida's beautiful blog which was a great inspiration.
Some more coming very soon.
What great colors you captured there :D
i have some friends living in San Francisco and it's still in this life time i will move my ass to travel a bit,ahah
so glad you did this trip,tough.
beautiful images*
Oh ja, San Francisco! Schon ewig her, dass ich mal dort war und seitdem auf meiner Liste um wieder mal hinzufahren. Thanks for the lovely pictures!
wunderschoene eindruecke meiner herzstadt! deine bilder transportieren eine ganz besondere stimmung, und es macht grossen spass, diese mir inzwischen sehr vertraute ecke der welt durch deine augen neu zu betrachten =D
You take very beautiful photos of this city. Good job! Looking forward for more :)
loving all of your san fran pics! they're making me want to visit!
auch für den fall, dass ich mich wiederhole. deine fotos sind einfach großartig.. und sie transportieren sooo viel!
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