Here are a couple of days, moments and words of the last 12 months...
In January, I said Goodbye to Will again who stayed in Germany, after we celecrated Christmas with my family, to finish his Master there.
On my way back to Australia I stopped in Tokyo, where I spent a whole week. This city is simply fascinating, I wish I could go back very soon, to explore more but to also up again with my friend Hiki with whom I spent a great day this year there.
In February, a close friend from back home came to visit me in Sydney. I loved to show her all those place I like to go of my highlight was our picnic up on the rooftop of my apartments building.
I also discovered 'cat alley' a wonderful street in Sydney which seems like an urban jungle with all its plants along the street
In March, I visited a friend in Melbourne and had a fantastic time exploring the city but also while catching up with some bloggers at Captain of Industry, one of the many great cafe down there
In April I flew to Perth to spend time with Will, who came over to visit is family for Easter. It was half time being separated for six month till his his exchange program had ended.
In May I flew to Germany to be there for my brothers wedding. I visited often my aunty and her beautiful garden
and spent lots of time in this beautiful, calm space.
...back in Australia after a week being in Germany I was wandering around neighborhoods taking lots and lots of photos. It is also the months I got my new/old canon camera and I fell in love with the depth of the colours this camera is able to capture.
June, Winter time in Australia, there was so much rain in Sydney and I kept myself busy on the weekends by going for photo walks, counting down the days till July...
I watched many sunrises from the roof top before going to work, being fascinated by the colours of the Winter sky.
July, oh what an exciting month. I flew back to Germany for our wedding. We started our big Summer holidays with a great meal in my aunties garden...
we went up to Hamburg to be with close friends the weekend before our wedding...
we had the most wonderful day at our wedding (so many great memories)
after our day, we went to Italy for our honeymoon, where lots of good food waited for us
so much gelato.
Before we headed back to Australia there were many farewells with family and friends, one of them was this last supper, again at my auntie's garden. I miss this place.
September: After the six week vacation in Europe we started the apartment hunt back in Sydney and were so lucky when found something we could imagine to live.
We really love this new place so much, and it became home very quickly.
It is so good to be back in Sydney together again
In October, we had many beautiful sunny Spring days and I went for my first swim in the Ocean at Bronte.
The days are getting longer, the mornings warmer and I started going for swims before work in November.
The magnolia trees are blossoming and also that I still find it hard to get into the Christmas mood, December is very special here in Sydney. The weather is beautiful and the smell of Summer is everywhere.
I turned 30 yesterday and had a great picnic with friends to celebrate..Being a Winter child it is still funny for me to suddenly celebrate my birthday in Summer.
I am very excited about the quiet days of the year and I really like the days before the year ends. Everything seems to go a little slower which I find very enjoyable....
Ach wie viel Zeit doch vergangen ist, der Rückblick von 2010 fühlt sich auch noch so nah an :) Aber 2012 sieht wirklich besonders schön aus. Alles Gute für euch in 2013 <3
Beautiful photos. I grew up in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs and miss it so much. I love indulging in a little nostalgia through your blog. Thanks.
Oh, I love your photos.
All are specials.
was für ein schöner rückblick! alles gute nachträglich zu deinem geburtstag und frohe weihnachten wünsche ich dir :)
grüße aus melbourne!
All these photos make me want to go to your place :)
Ein wunderschöner Rückblick.
Und was für ein aufregendes Jahr! Ich wünsche Dir schöne Weihnachten.
What a year!!! Happy Birthday, dear Maria!
alles gute nachträglich! dein jahr rückblickend noch mal zu betrachten ist etwas ganz besonderes. die bilder strahlen so viel zufriedenheit, nähe und auch das ankommen aus. schön ein paar eingefangene momente gezeigt zu bekommen. maria, ein wunderschönes sommerliches weihnachtsfest wünsche ich euch.
Schein ein sehr gelungenes Jahr gewesen zu sein. Auf viele Weitere... AHOY von der Saar
your 2012 sounds like a perfect year and I am so happy to have had that lovely day with you in Tokyo which became my first good memory of this year :) I am spotting those "cabbage flowers" everywhere now and I just have to smile at them and think of you!
very nice to read maria, a year passed by sooo fast...
happy wirthday and merry xmas. yes, must be very weird to be in summer in december :)
Happy 30th birthday Maria ...
your photographs always make me happy
Hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you a happy new year XXX
Hey Maria!!! Happy Bday! :)
This is my first comment on your blog, even though I've been following for so long. I love your work! :) Hope you don't mind but would it be ok if I link you on my blog? Thanks so much! :)
Dakota x
Hey Maria!!! Happy Bday! :)
This is my first comment on your blog, even though I've been following for so long. I love your work! :) Hope you don't mind but would it be ok if I link you on my blog? Thanks so much! :)
Dakota x
incredible how the time flies by...I am always planning to create a post of the past year, but never managed to..really enjoyed reading yours =)) All the best in the coming year!!
what lolely year Maria :)
so ein schönes und volles jahr! ich hoffe 2013 wird mindestens genauso gut!! xx
ein gutes, ein glückliches, ein buntes neues jahr!
wow …
- was für ein schöner rückblick
- was für ein tolles jahr
für das kommende wünsche ich dir nur das beste
es ist immer wieder schon in die welt vom schorlemädchen einzutauchen
* und die saltwater sandals kenne ich von allen freunden die in australien sind/waren :)
hab es gut, alles liebe
I enjoyed that very much! Beautiful images!
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