I had my last day at work yesterday and baked three cakes on Tuesday for my colleagues for a little farewell tea&coffee.
I actually could just take a picture of the strawberry cake as the mess in the kitchen was too big and my fingers full of dough and chocolate after getting the other two cakes ready. They were quiet good it was a lemon cake with caramelised walnuts and an extra chocolate cake with cherries.
It is weird to imagine that you just stop going to the place you went all the years..every morning, sitting there and spending more time with your colleagues than with your family and friends. I met really great people at this place and some of them even became friends...I will miss it, I really will..but I am so excited about everything which will start soon.
I will be in the air on my way Sydney in exactly one month....but before that I will pick up Will from the airport tomorrow and we will spend some time here in Hamburg and back home with family & friends, get everything ready for the move and look forward to our new life.
wow maria! dieser kuchen sieht fantastisch aus. aber viel wichtiger: genieß dieses letzte monat, der abschied wird sicher schwer fallen. deine vorfreude auf sydney muss aber auch wunderschön sein. ich wünsche dir wirklich alles gute :)
i am so happy for you to move :) the cake, yum yum yum. hope you'll have a wonderful month. good luck with all the preparations!
wie schoen dass ihr deinen letzten monat in deutschland zusammen verbringt! ich wuensche euch ganz viel spass, ich finde das klingt nach dem besten uebergang den man sich wuenschen kann. liebe gruesse!
Ooh wie lecker, da hast du dir aber viel Mühe gegeben! Ich freue mich auf euch nächste Woche!
wow, dann ziehst du also echt nach australien! wie geil, dort gibts so viel zu entdecken... na ich wünsch dir einen schööööönen "letzten" monat in hamburg! bin gespannt wie du dann in sydney lebst^^
Yes, it feels so strange to leave your workplace and colleagues. Even when you're leaving for good stuff, or even if you didn't like it that much there, it always tugs a heartstring somehow. Now have a great time!
That strawberry cake looks gorgeous! Goodbyes can be bitter-sweet. Hope you have a lovely time with Will and your family and friends :)
Wow Maria,
It´s exciting!!
A lot of changes are waiting for you and a new life is just waiting in front of you.
Good luck and best wishes!
sounds really exciting and your strawberries are so yummy!
have a wonderful time sweet Maria :)
how exciting, such a big change. I wish you all the best! You really pampered your colleagues with such beautiful pastry.
oh how cute !!!
Exciting! Wish you the best and more beautiful cakes in your future.
congratulations on having finished work..
the desserts look incredible as well ..
talented baker!
Der Kuchen sieht großartig aus! Außerdem wird es so spannend zu lesen sein, wie du dein Leben in Australien meistern wirst. Wo geht es eigentlich genau hin? Wo wird deine neue Heimat sein?
Liebe Grüße vom Sonnenbalkon!
oh how exciting! must feel weird too, can't wait to hear more of your new adventure
what an awesome coworker you are! i have one of them- my friend & coworker here just quit her job and baked me chocolate malt cupcakes the next day!
wow - lovely cake! exciting you're moving to sydney - that's where i'm from, but have been living in london for the past 3 years.
o00o00o your moving to australia?!
yay another creative person in this country!!
hope you love it here :)
ps: that's a LOT of strawberries... i'm jealous!
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