Sunday, January 16, 2011


Everleigh Markets
Everleigh Markets
some nice Australian flowers
coffee and newspapers on a Saturday afternoon
Hi everyone,
I hope you are having a lovely weekend....

#1 We got up early on Saturday morning and went to the Eveleigh Farmers Market in Redfern - i
#2 The markets are next to the heritage listed Eveleigh Railyards
#3/4 it is a wonderful market with over 80 stalls offering amazing vegetables, fruits, breads, flowers and all sorts of other things. It is also a great mixture of people, who go there an it is just fun to stroll around, try some goats cheese here or drink some fresh juice there. Just wonderful to start a Saturday.
#5 I got those wonderful flowers and I look at them right now. They are so exotic to me. Just like many other plants I see and smell here in Australia
#6 After we we came back we had a nice coffee and were reading in our newspapers. I got a German one of a friend the other day, which I was very excited about to read
#7/8/9 Later I took the Lavendar I got at the markets and made little bundles, which I put up to let them dry. I a couple of weeks I will get the dry blossoms and start a little project with them :^)

It was a very humid week this week here in Sydney and on Tuesday I decided to get my hair cut shorts again. I always used to have short hair but I started to let it grow since mid 2009. Now they are short again and I am quiet happy with it. I have the feeling I am just a short-hair girl :^)

Hope you are all well


Anna Emilia said...

So lovely to see your weekend of flowers and market. Happy for your weather-proof haircut (: Mine is long now, and yesterday (-16°C) it was all white from frost after walking all the way to the town to meet friends. It looked like I got very old in a minute, but even quicker it was gone in the warmth of a bookshop.

Lavender, that I have next to my pillow and every morning it is like to wake up in a garden. Today it is again a frost garden on my balcony windows. Eager to see what your project will be.

CUps of tea, lots of winter wishes dear Maria!

linda; said...

oh, very-very lovely!

chrrristine said...

oh, zeigst du deinen neuen haarschnitt mal? ich hatte auch die letzten 5 Jahre eher kurze haare, und jetzt kann ich gerade endlich wieder einen mini-zopf machen und schon denke ich wieder ans abschneiden!
liebe gruesse aus stuttgart!

Kaylovesvintage said...

looks cozy
love the flowers

Cati Basmati said...

Great pictures, again. Looks like you are really having your time's worth at the other end of the world p:-)

Fee ist mein Name said...

tolle Fotos!! und tolle Blumen!

kristina - no penny for them said...

so lovely! that market sounds super...

mysterymoor said...

I am excited to see what you do with the lavender

sandra said...

oh maria, alles so schön. ich habe heute an dir gedacht, because i've been using the wonderful pouch you made me extra much today :) ich liebe es! hope you'll have a fabulous new week ahead :) lieber gruss.

Anja said...

Very beautiful photos! Look frward to see what happens with the lavender.

michele aka the tiny said...

Hi Maria
how are you? well I hope... even though it is a grey and wet summers day today! My name is Michele aka tinytrappings and I just found your lovely blog today! And what a surprise to find that you now live in Sydney and have already discovered single origins in surry Hills... Looking forward to visiting your blog often!!

melski said...

gorgeous post! i am very fond of those flowers myself. Was reflecting myself that I too am a short haired girl. I have had very long a few times but short is just more fun.

Ella said...

what wonderful images! i especially love your striped top!

Hanna Päivikki said...

How happy to see these flowers of yours. Everything's white around here, light snow keeps falling. Your project with lavender sounds very interesting. Have a happy day,